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3 Digital Ways to Engage Key Opinion Leaders (And Why) 

In 2017, fewer than 20% of Key Opinion Leaders have a social media presence alongside their...

All DOLs Are KOLs Now: The Changing Perception of Pharmaceutical Opinion Leaders 

Traditionally, key opinion leaders did the research, wrote the publications, and authored the...

An Interview with a C-Level Digital Opinion Leader Expert 

After interviewing GlaxoSmithKline Global Medical Affairs Leader, Michelle Warner, about Key...

The Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Digital Thought Leader Engagement 

When preparing your digital thought leader (DTL) engagement plan, expect uncertainty. Specific...

The 4-Step DIY Process to Monitor Digital Thought Leaders 

Managing digital thought leader (DTL) accounts is generally in-sourced to a department within...

An Interview with a KOL-Centric Global Medical Affairs Leader

We recently had the opportunity to interview Michelle Warner, Global Medical Affairs Leader at